About Us

Home Grown is a national collaborative of funders, caregivers and providers working together to advance an inclusive child care system where home-based child care is visible, valued and well-resourced. We work in partnership with the diverse array of family child care providers and family, friend and neighbor caregivers who comprise the home-based child care sector.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to build a more inclusive child care system that values and supports home-based child care (HBCC) as a quality option for families and children.

Home Grown envisions a country in which all children have the care they need to grow, learn, and thrive.

Pillars of Our Work

Home Grown has identified three pillars in which to focus and fund efforts: BUILD GRASSROOTS POWER, SHAPE THE NARRATIVE, and REIMAGINE POLICIES & SYSTEMS.

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To ensure that: Providers, caregivers, and the families and children they serve have growing power and influence in the child care system. Home Grown works to:
Activate and support new HBCC leaders
Expand HBCC provider voice & influence in child care systems
Resource and strengthen HBCC provider-led organizations & networks

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To ensure that: HBCC sector and its providers and caregiver are valued by families, policy-makers and the public. Home Grown works to:
Serve as a trusted hub of knowledge about what is needed to support HBCC
Amplify evidence and provider stories to demonstrate the value of HBCC

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To ensure that: Local, state and federal policy and resource flows are inclusive of HBCC and the families and children they serve. Home Grown works to:
Build evidence and advocate for inclusive federal policies that value HBCC
Accelerate state & local policy and program innovation
Build and support inclusive state & local infrastructure and systems that include HBCC

Home Grown Members

The collaborative is backed by:

Our Team

Natalie Renew

Executive Director

Karen Tylek

Director of Program Operations

Venette Pierre

Communications Manager

Alexandra R. Patterson

Director of Policy and Strategy

Chris Nelson

Provider in Residence

Daynne Glover

Project Manager

Joyceline Felix

Community Partnerships and Learning Manager

Lisa Conley

Project Consultant

Provider and Caregiver Advisors

Hayley Village (chair) FCC Provider- California 
Gladys Jones FCC Provider- New York
Adrienne Briggs FCC Provider-Pennsylvania
Chris Nelson FCC  Provider- Vermont 
Melody Robinson FCC Provider – Illinois
Carmen Enriques FFN Caregiver- Colorado
Ruth Evangelista FFN Caregiver- Minnesota
Margarita Hernandez FFN Caregiver- California