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Network Benchmarks and Indicators Resource Collection

Home Grown and Erikson Institute developed a framework of 11 quality benchmarks for home-based child care networks. Together, the benchmarks and indicators represent a picture of what a high-quality network strategy can look like. Home Grown and Erikson Institute have also created a collection of resources around the benchmarks, including findings from a national survey and multiple focus groups with network staff and providers to understand how networks address the benchmarks and indicators. Find links to the framework, survey report, and focus group briefs below.

Benchmarks and Indicators Framework

Strengthening HBCC Networks: An Evidence-Based Framework For High Quality (Benchmarks)

Research Brief: Identifying Practices And Features Of High-Quality HBCC Networks

Survey Findings

Implementing Benchmarks for High- Quality HBCC Networks: Findings from a National Survey of HBCC Networks

Focus Group Findings

Promising Practices for High-Quality Home-Based Child Care Networks: Focus Group Briefs

Supporting Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers

Promising Practices for High-Quality Home-Based Child Care Networks: Supporting Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers

Promising Practices for High-Quality Home-Based Child Care Networks: Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers’ Recommendations

Benchmarks and Indicators Toolkit

Network Benchmarks and Indicators Toolkit


Promising Practices for High-Quality Home-Based Child Care Networks: Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers’ Recommendations

Home Grown reading a book

Responding to Crisis: Cash Aid in Times of Disaster

Emergency funding is deeply ingrained in the work of Home Grown. Home Grown has developed a national team of organizations and partners to design and set up of the Home Grown Home-Based Child Care Emergency Fund for Severe Weather & National Disaster Response.
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Student Loan Debt is a Critical Factor in the Early Educator Compensation Crisis 

Home-based providers earn the lowest wages in the child care system, with many making just $10,000 per year, while continuing to serve underserved families. Despite their essential role, they are often left out of policy discussions and loan forgiveness programs, contributing to ongoing financial strain. This new fact sheet sheds light on the earning challenges for family child care providers.