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Webinar: Network Benchmarks and Indicators

On Wednesday, September 14th at 3:00-4:00 Eastern (12:00-1:00 Pacific) Home Grown and the Erikson Institute hosted a session on the newly released Network Benchmarks and Indicators. Together, the benchmarks and indicators represent a picture of what a high-quality network strategy can look like. In this session we explored the 11 quality benchmarks, their development from research and best practice, and potential use cases for administrators, funders, network staff, and supporting organizations.

Panelists for this discussion include:

  • Juliet Bromer, Research Professor, Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute
  • Marina Ragonese-Barnes, Research Analyst, Herr Research Center, Erikson Institute
  • Toni Porter, Early Care and Education Consulting
  • Kristy Smith, Associate Director: Home-Based Child Care Team, Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood
  • Sara Mickelson, Director, Early Childhood Initiatives Harris County Office of County Administration
  • Natalie Renew, Executive Director, Home Grown
  • Karen Tylek, Director of Program Operations, Home Grown

Student Loan Debt is a Critical Factor in the Early Educator Compensation Crisis 

Home-based providers earn the lowest wages in the child care system, with many making just $10,000 per year, while continuing to serve underserved families. Despite their essential role, they are often left out of policy discussions and loan forgiveness programs, contributing to ongoing financial strain. This new fact sheet sheds light on the earning challenges for family child care providers.

Home-based Child Care Providers Share Reflections on Their Hispanic Heritage

In the United States, immigrant stories can start differently but eventually resemble each other. Leticia Barcenas and Claudia Valentín live in diagonally opposite corners of the country—Portland, Oregon, and New Orleans, Louisiana, respectively—they come from different countries—Mexico and Honduras—and began their American Dream with different plans—Leticia wanted to work to make money and support her family; Claudia looked for ways to educate young people in the diaspora—but they eventually discovered that their destiny was inevitably tied to the success of child care in their communities.

Home Grown’s Statement on the Council of Economic Advisers Brief : Child Care Is Infrastructure —Evidence from Universal Pre-K

Home Grown celebrates the new Council of Economic Advisers brief, Child Care Is Infrastructure: Evidence from Universal Pre-K. For over 3 years we have invested in co-funding research that highlights the importance of including Family Child Care (FCC) in public pre-K systems and are excited to be working with NIEER this fall to support a cohort of public pre-K systems with targeted TA and evidence-based tools to modify their pre-K systems to include FCC.