Webinar: HBCC Funder Conversation Series

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Join us for the HBCC Funder Conversation Series: Building Inclusive Child Care Systems, a series of three conversations focused on opportunities for philanthropy to support states in prioritizing home-based child care (HBCC) providers as they allocate new federal funds.

This three-part series will include state administrators, policy partners, and other collaborators to outline and highlight opportunities, barriers and best practices for philanthropy to engage state leaders during this critical time. The conversations will focus on ways philanthropy can build relationships with states, advance equitable funding approaches, encourage long-term thinking and sustainability, and ensure providers and parents participate in decision making.

These discussions will be facilitated by Home Grown, a collaborative of fourteen national philanthropic organizations focused on home-based child care, in collaboration with EducationCounsel and special guests and contributors.

Please join us for the third session in our series:

July 14th at 3:30-4:30pm ET: Expanding HBCC Access to State-Funded Systems

Join us! Register here: