New Jersey Training Series: Building a Strong Ecosystem of Support for HBCC in New Jersey

NJ Training Series: Building a Strong Ecosystem of Support for HBCC in New Jersey

Come join us for a free training series designed to enhance the effectiveness of your home-based child care network. These monthly 90-minute virtual sessions will run from July to December, 2023 and are based on network benchmarks developed by the Erikson Institute in partnership with Home Grown. The sessions will help you consider the fundamental values and goals of your network, the services you offer to support providers, children, and families, and suggest evidence-based implementation strategies to meet your network goals. Sessions will also address issues specific to New Jersey family child care systems and provide space for discussion and problem-solving with your colleagues across the state. The series will be co-facilitated by an expert consultant (Terry Hayes) and a New Jersey home-based provider leader (Kayanna Jackson).


Tomando medidas para apoyar a las familias inmigrantes y a los proveedores y cuidadores de HBCC


Taking Action to Support Immigrant Families & HBCC Providers and Caregivers


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