Responding to COVID-19: HBCC Emergency Fund

In April 2020, Home Grown and its members created the Home-Based Child Care (HBCC) Emergency Fund) with $1.2 million in funding to catalyze the development of regional funds that provide direct financial support to home-based child care (HBCC) providers, including both regulated family child care (FCC) providers and family, friend, and neighbor (FFN) caregivers across the nation. Home Grown partnered with thirteen regional organizations that designed and administered local emergency funds. These organizations secured an additional $2.7 million in matching funds for HBCC providers from 17 local funders. Here we share a summary of our impact, findings, and recommendations.


Tomando medidas para apoyar a las familias inmigrantes y a los proveedores y cuidadores de HBCC


Taking Action to Support Immigrant Families & HBCC Providers and Caregivers


Roots and Offshoots: Family Child Care Programs Celebrate Lunar New Year