Recipe for a Stronger Child Care System

This holiday season we are excited to share a very special recipe, the Recipe for a Stronger Child Care System.

This recipe card was designed as a tool to urge your policymakers to cosponsor the Child Care Nutrition Enhancement Act and the Early Childhood Nutrition Improvement Act, important legislation that will help keep kids fed. 

Take action!

Step 1: Use the CACFP action center and urge your legislators to cosponsor these bills.

Step 2: Share the recipe with others digitally or as a printed postcard. 

To use digitally: Download the recipe and share to social media. Here is a sample social media caption:

Child care is in crisis. For many FCC providers, the changes made by the Child Care Nutrition Enhancement Act & the Early Childhood Nutrition Improvement Act will help make a difference and allow them to stay open. Urge legislators to #KeepKidsFed

To print and mail, simply download the printable version and print on card stock. Address it to your local legislator, add postage and send via mail.


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