Home Grown Paycheck Protect Program Project Outcomes Report

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) strived to provide potentially forgivable loan funding to small businesses as part of the CARES Act. Home Grown’s PPP Project Outcomes Report provides an impact analysis of how Home Grown, in partnership with Civitas Strategies and Nielsen Training and Consulting, trained over 100 intermediary organizations so they could help over a thousand home-based child care providers navigate and access PPP loans.

Further reading: Home-Based Child Care Providers Need Improved Access to Federal Loans Now


Tomando medidas para apoyar a las familias inmigrantes y a los proveedores y cuidadores de HBCC


Taking Action to Support Immigrant Families & HBCC Providers and Caregivers


Roots and Offshoots: Family Child Care Programs Celebrate Lunar New Year