Child care is the workforce behind the workforce but our current policy approaches do not reflect that. Research reveals that home-based child care providers (HBCC) struggle to make ends meet, have unstable incomes and variable levels of access to essential benefits like health care and retirement. We strongly encourage state leaders in partnership with home-based child care providers, partners and networks to prioritize access to these critical benefits for HBCC providers. This resource highlights opportunities to improve access to critical benefits for providers.
Opportunities for States to Improve Benefits Access for Home-based Child Care Providers
What Does Recognition and Respect for Family Child Care Providers Really Mean?
Family child care providers value licensing systems because of how these systems provide accountability and incentivize quaity care, while recognizing them as child care professionals. What providers want is simple — inclusion and representation in the decision-making bodies that regulate their work. In this blog, FCC providers share why they value and respect licensing systems and how that respect can be reciprocated through better representation of providers in those systems. Read the blog post here.