Home-based child care includes a range of providers, from licensed providers operating small businesses in their homes through care provided by family, friends, and neighbors, all providing a vital service to their communities. Our updated Fact Sheet is an introduction to home based child care in the United States, and also includes Home Grown’s vision for ensuring home based providers receive the resources and support they need to continue caring for the majority of families in the United States.
Home-Based Child Care Fact Sheet 2023
What Does Recognition and Respect for Family Child Care Providers Really Mean?
Family child care providers value licensing systems because of how these systems provide accountability and incentivize quaity care, while recognizing them as child care professionals. What providers want is simple — inclusion and representation in the decision-making bodies that regulate their work. In this blog, FCC providers share why they value and respect licensing systems and how that respect can be reciprocated through better representation of providers in those systems. Read the blog post here.