Family Child Care Workforce Fact Sheet

The Family Child Care Workforce Fact Sheet highlights the importance of family child care (FCC) as a vital part of the early childhood care system. FCC professionals provide home-based care, often serving underserved and minority communities, while also facing significant challenges. Nearly 63% of FCC providers hold a college degree or have completed some college, yet they earn low wages, averaging $29,377 per year. Many FCC providers experience financial hardships, with nearly half reporting difficulty affording basic needs and over 21% struggling with student loan debt. Despite their critical role, FCC providers are often excluded from policy discussions and support programs, further marginalizing their contributions to the child care system. This fact sheet underscores the need for better compensation, access to benefits, and inclusion in policy solutions to support FCC professionals.


Uplifting Community Cultural Wealth in Black Communities

Black and Brown communities have historically relied on home-based child care as a form of community cultural wealth and resilience even though this work has been consistently undervalued due to systemic inequities. Recognizing the strengths of providers and caregivers and investing in culturally rooted solutions can help shift the power in decision-making and help strengthen and support home-based child care.

Tomando medidas para apoyar a las familias inmigrantes y a los proveedores y cuidadores de HBCC


Taking Action to Support Immigrant Families & HBCC Providers and Caregivers

The new presidential administration has begun making sweeping changes to immigration policies that will have a detrimental impact on immigrant families and their young children. In this blog post, we share some ways advocates can help immigrant families and colleagues.