National Family, Friend and Neighbor Appreciation Week

We are excited to announce that Home Grown will be partnering with organizations across the country to celebrate Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFN) Appreciation Week from September 10-14. The goal of this week is to celebrate and lift up the essential work of the millions of FFN child care providers in our country.

It is estimated that over 5 million FFN caregivers look after 11.5 million children including 6.8 million children ages 0-5 each year (NSECE 2019). Family, Friend and Neighbor Appreciation Week is celebrated the week after National Grandparents Day to recognize the millions of grandparents, as well as the aunts, neighbors, community members and other FFN caregivers who support our communities and care for young children all over the country. This week is an opportunity to raise awareness and gratitude for the hidden workforce that often cares for our youngest children with little to no pay or benefits. FFN caregivers represent the largest percentage of the early childhood workforce and we want to take the time to recognize them.

During FFN Appreciation Week, we will be designating a day each week to shine light on different aspects and issues regarding FFN care. The schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday, Sept. 10 : Celebrating Grandparents as FFN Caregivers
  • Monday, Sept. 11: Are You an FFN Caregiver? Who Are the FFN Caregivers All Around Us?
  • Tuesday, Sept. 12: FFN Care Meets the Developmental Needs of Children
  • Wednesday, Sept. 13:  FFN Care is a First Choice, for Many Reasons!
  • Thursday, Sept 14: Supporting FFN Caregivers With Policy Efforts

During this week, our goal is simple: create more awareness and increase visibility of family, friend and neighbor caregivers.

We invite you to join us in sharing our appreciation for FFN caregivers! Please use this toolkit to share messages and join the conversation.



The Gift of Rest and Self-Care This Holiday Season


What Does Recognition and Respect for Family Child Care Providers Really Mean?

Family child care providers value licensing systems because of how these systems provide accountability and incentivize quaity care, while recognizing them as child care professionals. What providers want is simple — inclusion and representation in the decision-making bodies that regulate their work. In this blog, FCC providers share why they value and respect licensing systems and how that respect can be reciprocated through better representation of providers in those systems. Read the blog post here.

Promising Practices for High-Quality Home-Based Child Care Networks: Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers’ Recommendations