

Shruti Agarwal is a licensed family child care provider in Livermore, California. Shruti is the owner/operator of Shruti's Family Day Care.

"I would like to say that child care is essential. Just don't say it, mean it. Just don't say it because you want to keep your economy going. But think about us as well. You bring out policies that would just kill our businesses. A lot of us would close down. And if you really mean essential, you should just get family child care providers on that table to share their fears when you're making policies. Listen to us. We are on the ground level, working with kids, working with families, and know the ground realities of our business. The level that you sit at, it's difficult to see at this level. So invite us to the table so that we can have a conversation and we can explain what we go through in day-to-day life, rather than just putting a policy on it and saying, 'You have to follow it.' It just might draw in our businesses."

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Photo Cred: M By Michaela Photography

Hogar para las vacaciones

Los programas de cuidado infantil en el hogar como el de Pam son a menudo la primera opción de las familias con niños pequeños debido a esta atmósfera familiar y receptividad cultural. Estos niños a menudo son de diversos orígenes económicos, culturales y religiosos. Celebrar su propia herencia navideña y las tradiciones culturales de las familias a las que sirven también fortalece la identidad cultural y el sentido de pertenencia de los niños.