

Ruth is a family, friend and neighbor caregiver and co-founder of La Red Latina de Educación Temprana.

"The pandemic was very hard for FFN child care providers because they lost kids ... because families lost jobs, everything was closed and the economy was very low, because they don’t have a license, it was very hard to get resources.”

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Cómo La Red Latina de Educación Temprana Apoya la Salud Mental de los Niños y sus Cuidadores

Al comienzo de la pandemia en 2020, las necesidades de la comunidad cambiaron. While the well-being of children remained a priority, the team at La Red saw the impact that COVID-19 was having on the mental health of not only the children but also on their parents and providers. Los datos de la encuesta nacional respaldan esto: en una encuesta reciente, la mitad de todos los hogares informan que al menos un miembro de su hogar está luchando contra la depresión, la ansiedad, los problemas para dormir o el estrés.