Miren Algorri

Miren Algorri

Miren Algorri is a home-based child care provider in Chula Vista, California. Miren is an appointee to the Governor Early Childhood Policy Council Advisory Committee.

"We see each child and each family as a group that brings that richness of their own cultural and ethnic background and are all together a micro-community in our program. We have always tried to meet the needs not just of the child but of the families. But as the pandemic started, the needs are more and it's more of an urgent matter."

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Asuntos de política: los proveedores a domicilio llevan nuestro caso al Congreso

Conozca cómo el Grupo de Trabajo de Políticas de Home Grown está trabajando para ayudar a informar y dar forma a políticas que apoyen a los proveedores de cuidado infantil en el hogar.