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Chrissie Davis is a licensed family child care provider in Skowhegan, Maine. Chrissie is a member of the Home Grown 2024 Policy Work Group.

"We're doing the best we can for very little pay and, in my opinion, keeping the rest of America working, those parents working. And to think that we can't get [funding] for afternoon snack for each child, it's pretty disheartening... because we are going to feed them. So to think that that money has to come out of our own pockets. I looked up during the pandemic, I made $10.93 an hour."

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Asuntos de política: los proveedores a domicilio llevan nuestro caso al Congreso

Conozca cómo el Grupo de Trabajo de Políticas de Home Grown está trabajando para ayudar a informar y dar forma a políticas que apoyen a los proveedores de cuidado infantil en el hogar.