

North Carolina

"We don't just teach history in February. We teach it 365 days a year. As long as they're here with me, they're going to know who they are and know their value and know where they come from and where they can go, and who they can be. It's very important to me that they know that and it's very important that the parents understand that."

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Celebrando los proveedores negros a domicilio continúan fomentando un legado de atención comunitaria en sus comunidades

Este Mes de la Historia Afroamericana, honramos a los proveedores negros de cuidado infantil en el hogar que no solo brindan cuidado a niños; su trabajo sostiene a sus comunidades y, al hacerlo, continúan un legado de cuidado comunitario para las comunidades negras.